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CT State Representative Mike D'Agostino Remarks on the Prekindergarten Program Proposal
State Representative Mike D'Agostino Remarks on H.B. 6965
State Representative Mike D'Agostino discussing SEBAC on WTIC
State Representative Mike D'Agostino on Marijuana Regulation
State Representative Mike D'Agostino and Other Legislators on the SEBAC Agreement
State Representative Mike D'Agostino on the Legalization of Recreational Cannabis
State Representative Mike D'Agostino on Janus vs. AFSCME
State Representative Mike D'Agostino on PCAs
State Representative Rep. Mike D'Agostino Brings Out House Bill 5358
Representative D'Agostino Questions UI's Tree Trimming Plan in Hamden
Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim to officially throw his hat in the ring for governor
Rep. Christopher Davis on the CT State Budget